Kirby 20th Anniversary Review!

I know this may come to some of you as a shock but I am a big nerd!  I love reading books, I love watching TV about science, and I love playing videogames!  (After I finish my homework of course..)  So when I heard about the new Kirby Anniversary Collection was coming out for the Nintendo Wii, you know that I was all over it!  And I wasn’t alone, so was my BFF (Best friend forever) Dear Dear Turtle!

So before I go any further let me go ahead and say this game is for everyone!  Everyone can play it as a family or with friends it doesn’t matter, Kirby is for the whole family!

What’s even greater about Kirby is a lot of the games are two player!  So me and Dear Dear Turtle can play together all the time (and you can play with your family or friends!).  What is Kirby you ask?  Kirby is a pink puffball that sucks up bad guys, takes their powers and saves planets from bad guys!

He’s also one of the cutest things in the universe.  (And I thought I was cute!).  Each level you will going from the start to the finish with bad guys in between to take powers from and bosses to beat up!

After a few levels you’ll get to go to different sections or different worlds till you ultimately fight the final boss and save the universe from bad guys!

It might seem like it be really hard to save the universe as a pink circle.  But it isn’t that bad!  Even if you aren’t familiar with Kirby this is a great game to learn everything you have to learn about him.  Playing the games are very simple.  Almost all of them are just two buttons.  One for jumping and floating and one for sucking up powers and using powers.  That’s it.  That’s what makes these games so great!

They’re fun, easy and anyone can learn really easy!  And with over 6 games to play of Kirby you’ll have a lot of chance to master it!  And with two of the six games (one third of the games)

Kirby Superstar and Kirby Adventure 3 are multiplayer!  That’s where me and Dear, Dear Turtle were convinced this game was for us.  We could play the whole game together!  One of us as Kirby and the other as Kirby’s helper!  There was a lot of tough parts that were a lot easier because we had each others back during some boss fights!  This game is really fun by yourself, but it’s super fun too if you have a friend or family help you out (especially if you need help with a tough area of that game.)

Oh man.  Just talking about it makes me want to go right back to playing this Kirby!  Everything about this game is so much fun!  Playing the game is fun, simple and just challenging enough that it’s difficult without being frustrating (another word for annoying) and you can play a lot of it two players!  The enemies are cute, the bosses are funny and Kirby is super awesome!

And if you want to just learn more about our hero’s story there is a section dedicated to the 20 year history of the games where it can tell you everything about Kirby from the past to the present (It’s also known as a timeline).  You’ll have a ton of things to play for a long time (so be sure to take breaks and give yourself a long time to beat it all, it isn’t meant to beaten in one day).

My only problem with this game is that there isn’t more games like it!  Normally, as a professional (that means I know a lot about something) chameleon I like to tell you the bad with the good.  But in this case there really isn’t anything bad about this game except that at some point you will beat the games!

The creator of Kirby put a lot of time into making these games .  He wanted games that both beginners and experts (thats people who put a lot of time into something) could play and enjoy equally.  And if every game was like this, I wouldn’t have to review all of them because they’d all just be awesome.  I wouldn’t have to put my seal of approval on them to tell you that.

So, without rambling anymore (that means I was talking too much) I would like to end my review by saying that Kirby is a great game for us kids and adults alike.  Anyone can enjoy it and if you have a Wii I would highly suggest it to you.  Now if you’ll need me Dear, Dear Turtle and I will be playing Kirby.

Rise Of The Guardian Review!

So you won’t believe what I did this weekend!  -Well I guess you would if you read the title of this webpage.  That’s right I saw Rise of The Guardian.  To be honest, I was dragged along with Dear Dear Turtle again.  I didn’t really know how this movie was going to be but when I got into the theaters.  I laughed, I cried (but don’t tell anybody), I was so happy I saw the movie!

Rise of the Guardians is a movie based off the book The Guardian’s of Childhood by William Joyce.  What that means is that the book was where most of the story came from for the movie.  If “The Lonely Lonely Chameleon” book were to have a movie, the movie would have a lot of it’s story come from the book (hopefully one day!).

Before anything else, I should tell you that this movie is approved for all ages.  So anyone can go see this movie and enjoy it!  I wouldn’t send you to a bad movie ever!  That’s my chameleon oath!

The Rise of The Guardians starts off with our main character, Jack Frost, talking about how he doesn’t know anything about his past.  But he does know how he has the ability to control the power of snow, wind and all the elements of Winter that make Winter fun and exciting.  Unfortunately, despite all he does for children to make their Winters great and fun, he can’t be seen by any of them because none of them believe in him.

In order to be seen by the rest of the world people first have to believe in you.  Imagine how lonely it would be if no one could see you and everyone acted like you weren’t there.  (This conversation is coming a little too close for home me).

Soon after Jack is visited by the Guardians of Childhood.Santa Claus, Sandman, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny.

Santa Claus is the guardian of Christmas- which for you who don’t know is a Christian religion holiday that many celebrate by giving out presents to each other and.Santa is the one who delivers those presents to everyone! 

The Tooth Fairy is the guardian of teeth.  That might sound weird to those of you who don’t know but if you leave your baby teeth under your pillow during the night the Tooth Fairy will come and replace your tooth with a reward of some sort.

The Sandman is the guardian who comes by in the middle of the night and gives you good dreams to have.

The Easter Bunny is the one that creates eggs for you to find on Easter day.  The Guardians of Childhood decide that they want Jack Front to join the guardians and help take down the Boogeyman, also known as Pitch.

Pitch is the captor of all that is fear.  He’s the one who gives kids bad dreams and tries to make life scary (but we all know that sometimes life can be scary).  So Jack and the gang set off to take on Pitch.  I don’t want to give away anymore so I’ll stop there but you won’t be dissapointed with the wonderful ending.  It’s full of action, cool music and lots of acts of bravery.  You’ll love a lot of the “fight scenes” with Pitch versus The Guardians.

You’ll love Jack’s past and you’ll love how it all comes together in the end  What’s more wonderful is if you like the movie, then you’ll love the book that it is based on Guardians of Childhood.  It’s really well drawn and full of cute characters that you can fall in love with.  Sound familiar?

What’s also really great about this movie is it’s based on all sorts of stories.  The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Sandman and Santa Claus all have a lot of books out there that you can read all about.  It’s really fun to know the history of a character, where they came from, what the represent and what super powers they have of course.  Who ever though history be fun?  Now you have yourself a good excuse to go the library (although any excuse is a good excuse to be at the library).  That being said, I’m going to go to the Quiet Quiet Library in my town and check out some more books.  Till next time guys!

Lonely Lonely Chameleon reviews Pokemon Black and White 2

I’ll be honest with you guys.  I try really hard to focus on my work.  As a chameleon, I live a very busy life.  That being said I try to keep myself from playing videogames a whole lot.  I often find myself getting lost in them (that’s another way of saying I spend way too much time playing them).  So that being said I promised myself I would play just one game this month.  And what a good thing I said that because I couldn’t focus on any other game but this that whole time.  Pokemon White/Black 2 was one of the best games I’ve ever played in my whole life and took up the entire month just to beat (not counting all the other fun stuff I could’ve ended up doing in the game).

Before anything else, I’d like to mention that this game rated E for everyone.  That means it’s appropriate for all ages. But I will warn you, there is a lot of reading in the game so I would strongly suggest knowing how to read before playing any of them.  But if you’re able to read this review you should be more than able to play Pokemon.  For any of you who do not know what Pokemon is, Pokemon is a game where you catch wild animals called Pokemon, train them to become stronger so you can become the best trainer in the world.  The whole game revolves around the Pokemon creatures, most of the game you’ll be training them, catching them, keeping them healthy.  The last one is especially important.  A good trainer is a nice trainer

The game starts out with you in town hearing about how a girl named Bianca is outside somewhere to give you your first Pokemon.  Once you find her you’ll be given the option to choose from 3 Pokemon Tepig, Snivy, and Oshawatt (Be sure to nickname your Pokemon something special too!).  Your rival will also choose a Pokemon afterwards and battle you.  Battles are where your Pokemon will fight other Pokemon, you each take turns attacking each other with moves until one of you runs out of HP (Or hit points).

After enough battles your Pokemon will gain levels which makes them stronger.  Some Pokemon once they gain enough levels will evolve (that’s a fancy word for improve or transform) into stronger Pokemon !


After your battle with your rival you should go home  to your mom you’re going on an adventure.  And now you’ll be able to leave and catch more Pokemon in tall grass areas.  Catching Pokemon is a lot like battling Pokemon except the goal is to get their HP low and then throw Pokeballs at them to catch them.

Pokeballs are circular objects that hold the Pokemon inside them and keep them safe.  You can carry six Pokemon on you at any time.  That means you if you catch anymore than six you have to put the rest in your computer, where they are stored and can be pulled out for battle later.  How Pokemon are kept in pokeballs and how pokeballs are kept in computers is a deeply scientific thing to explain.  It would take me years, just trust me on what I’m telling you

As you progress (move forward) in the game you’ll find more trainers (like yourself) to battle and level up your pokemon.  Some of them will be normal trainers like you, some of them will be bad guys like Team Plasma.  Team Plasma steals pokemon from people to use them for their own bad uses (like taking over the world).  Most of them you will get to battle to train your pokemon against.

There are a few special trainers in a few towns called Gym Leaders who give out badges (little pieces of metal) to those that defeat them in a pokemon battle.

Earn enough badges and you can take on the Elite Four, the best four Pokemon trainers in the world so you can become the best Pokemon trainer in the world.  It’s a long, perilous journey full of friendship, trust and fighting bad guys!  And the whole time you’ll have a blast!

Pokemon is a widely loved game, not just by me, but a lot of people.  One of the main reasons is because a lot of videogames don’t give you a lot of choice like Pokemon does.  Pokemon gives you nothing but choice.  I can choose to start with Tepig, and then catch a pidove and use those two through the entire game!  Or I can choose to have Snivy, catch a liepierd, trade with a friend for a charmander fish up a Staryu, talk to someone for an Evee, catch the legendary Kyreum and then take on the Elite Four!  You can have one Pokemon, you can have six Pokemon, you can catch 300 or more.  It’s however you want to play the game.  It’s your game, so it’s your decision.  And I’m sure there is a Pokemon for each and everyone of you that you will fall in love with. (It may not come as a surprise to many of you that this is my favorite Pokemon down below)

In each town is a Pokemon Center where you can heal all of your Pokemon to full health.  Remember a healthy Pokemon is a happy Pokemon.  You also should pick up healing items for your Pokemon there too in case you need to heal on the way there after a few battles! 

Talking to people in town will give you a lot of helpful hints and items too!  Did I mention you can trade Pokemon with any of your friends that also have the game.  That’s right at the Pokemon Center you can go to an area for trading Pokemon with your friends and family.  There’s even a place where you can trade Pokemon across the world called the GTS also located inside.

Here’s a list of all the Pokemon up to this point!  Check out all of them!

The Lonely Lonely Chameleon coloring book!

I posted every coloring book page of The Lonely Lonely Chameleon I could without having spoilers (that means things that would ruin the book for you).  If you’d like to have the full coloring book of The Lonely Lonely Chameleon you can get it at the shop absolutely free with a purchase of The Lonely Lonely Chameleon!

Coloring book pages are easy to print out for anyone!  Simply click on the picture you’d like to print.  Right click on the picture again and click print!  As an added bonus, all the area where words are normally is blank.  You can write your own story and name all the characters whatever you want and come to your own ending!  Have fun!